Two new events this week!

This past week, the Twisted Summer Sale & Hunt opened! The SL18 Birthday Shop & Hop also opened. And, the first official Ashcan Consortia release is now available for sale!

Ashcan Consortia5th Annual Twisted Summer Sale & Mini Hunt – Fetishism – June 16th – 30th
The first official Ashcan Consortia full perm release is available for sale at the Twisted Summer Sale & Mini Hunt event! The /AC/ Full Perm Sex Machine is waiting for you! This is a full perm item, so you can create whatever you can dream up for this machine and how it will look! It’s a 10 Piece set with 8 attachments, 100% original mesh. AO maps are also included. So come on! Get this set and start creating your wildest fantasies! And it’s 25% off on top of that (pun intended)! Please be sure to check the TOS here.

Ad for the Sex Machine full perm item - Ashcan Consortia

NOTE: Older / Unreleased full perm items are being prepped for release at the /AC/ store, unfortunately, health issues have delayed their release, but soon they are coming to the store!

Maraschino – SL18B Shop & Hop – June 17th – July 6th
Maraschino is here at the Shop & Hop with a store full of items for 25% off! There is also a gift for both the men and the ladies too! So don’t forget to pick that up! Take a look around, you may find something you’ve been wanting and now is the time to get it at the event discount!

And, don’t forget! The Vintage Fair and We Love Role Play are still open too!

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