Notice Concerning All Ashcan Consortia Stores

Hello friends and customers,
I have been really dreading this but it’s something I’ve been needing to do for a while: I’m finally going to admit that I don’t have the time to run my 5(!) SL brands along with a full time job and freelance projects. I’ve already been pretty scarce in-world for a while, so really this is just making it official.

I’m going to be shutting down my in-world shops (kisetsu, Dreaming Thicket, #hashbang!, Maraschino & the AC full perms shop) and moving everything to the marketplace, but it will probably take me a while to get it all up there, especially for group gifts and ex-gacha fatpacks so I’m going to have a big sale (50% off everything!) until the end of the month to let people have a last chance to grab anything they’ve been waiting on.

You can find the sale platform here.


As for what will happen to my land, my neighbor is taking over a large part of it around Dreaming Thicket so that the forest will continue to exist, with some modifications that I’ll be working on over the next couple weeks. There is still a chunk of land that she is unable to take, so if anyone you know would like to buy a 9968m parcel of already landscaped forest connected to a nearly region-sized forest spread across 2 sims, send me a message and we can work something out. I’ll be ready to sell on July 1. (You can have a look at it here. However, know that I’m still making some mostly underground changes to replace the underground shops with a cave system).

And for the future, I want to say that this isn’t goodbye, I’ll still be around, I’m just not making many new products lately. If/when I return to building things, I will probably be making some more weird/experimental things rather than just producing items for events.

Thank you to all of you for your support and business over the years,
I’ll see you around,
~Nix Marabana (and all of my alts)

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