New Releases Await at Fantasy Faire

This year’s Fantasy Faire has now begun! It’s only a couple days in, so hopefully you have had some time to explore and are ready for this Dreaming Thicket update! Fantasy Faire is open until May 7th!

This year the new releases are the Dreaming Thicket – Mushroom Caps! They are simple mushroom cap hats you can add/wear and will easily fit over nearly every hairdo. When clicked, they will rain down spores from the cap! Click and hold for 2 seconds to get the menu to control who can click the cap and the color / length / amount of spores that poof with each click! The default setting is Owner only.

There are 7 to choose from and 4 of those are 100% donations to Relay for Life with the American Cancer Society.

Dreaming Thicket @ Fantasy Faire

They are $199L each, only at the Fantasy Faire thru May 7th! Come on by the store and pick out your favorites! We hope you have a great Faire!

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